CLI Usage

vue-translation-manager [command]

  vue-translation-manager translate     Translate vue files in path
  vue-translation-manager clean         Remove unused translations from
                                        translations resource
  vue-translation-manager add [key]     Add a new translation to the resource
  vue-translation-manager edit [key]    Edit an existing translation
  vue-translation-manager delete [key]  Delete an existing translation
  vue-translation-manager validate      Checks if translated messages are available in all
                       configured languages

  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]


This command starts the interactive translation manager. It looks through all the .vue files inside your configured srcPath and detects untranslated strings.

In an interactive way you then can provide translations for all the configured languages and the strings in the component will get replaced and the translations saved. You can repeat this as long as there are untranslated strings in at least one of your components.

Optionally you can pass the --ask-key parameter. Per default we generate a key for every untranslated string based on where it occurs and on the string itself. If you don't want this you should provide the mentioned parameter and it will ask you to provide a key for every string to translate. If you are content with the default string then just hit enter. You can also enter a complete new key, separated by dots, or just enter a single word. Then it will just replace the last part of the suggested key.

The vue-translation-manager will also attempt to produce interpolated strings when there is dynamic data inside a text.

Let's take the following example:

<h1>Hello World, {{name}}</h1>

In that case we'd take the name as a parameter for your message.


As you can see, the paramter is automatically available and can be used in your text as {1}.


This command looks at all the translations in your configured translation files and searches for their usages inside your .vue components. It presents you with all the keys it didn't find a usage for and gives you a choice to either delete them, keep them or ask for every single one. Please be aware that we cannot track every possible usage, so take care what you delete.

An example where we can not track that the key global.languages.en is still being used:

<a v-for="language in languages" :key="language">
  {{ $t(`global.languages.${language}`) }}

add [key]

Add translations for a new key. It will ask you to provide the translations for all your configured languages and stores them in your translation file(s).

edit [key]

Edit an existing key. The command will ask you to provide new translations but suggests the existing ones as default.

delete [key]

Delete the translations for a given key.


Check if messages are available for every single configured language.