Writing new adapters
You can help us by authoring adapters for different backends. This is fairly easy:
- Write a class that implements some pre-defined methods
- Upload the repository to Github and provide doumentation on how to use it
- Ship it with npm
The following methods must be implemented by your class:
class Adapter {
constructor (opts) {
// Initialization logic
// This is being called by the translation manager
_setLanguages (languages) {}
// Actually add translations. The translation come in an object, key is the
// language and value is a string.
async addTranslations (key, translations) {}
// Get translations for key. Return value should be an object with languages
// as keys.
async getTranslations (key) {}
// Get all the keys. Return value should be an object with the languages as
// keys and an array of strings (keys) as the value.
async getAllKeys () {}
// `keys` is an array of all the keys. Make sure to delete them for every
// language.
async deleteTranslations (keys) {}
If you created an adapter and published it, make sure to let us know in an issue so we can link to it from here.